It’s time to get real
NA students are going crazy over the newest social media app BeReal
September 1, 2022
As the timer starts to turn red and your seconds are ticking down, everyone around the world is trying to post their BeReals.
“I like when the app sends the notification at a good time like when I’m doing something cool,” Priscilla Byrd said.
According to Mashable, BeReal is an app that launched in France in the midst of 2020. This is an app that’s main purpose is to encourage people to be more authentic, instead of trying to present their best selves when it comes to posting on social media. The app was created by Alexis Barreyata, former GoPro employee. It was created for platforms such as iOS and Android.
“My favorite thing about BeReal is that it shows both sides and people do not take it too seriously,” Bailee King said.
BeReal has blown up since July 2022 with 20 million global installs as reported by Screentrant. Between the months of January and April the daily downloads have grown by 315% according to Apptopia.
“My teammates told me to get the app,” Byrd said.
BeReal has become very well known with its 2.9 million users. However with BeReals skyrocketing download rates a question that is being asked is will it compare to apps like Instagram and TikTok. Within the apps short amount of time of blowing up in the United States BeReal hit the #1 spot on Apple’s app store according to Businessofapps.
“I think BeReal has already become as popular as Instagram and TikTok,” Nora Meyer said.
Since BeReal is the top new thing coming to the states you would expect a lot of people to be jumping on the bandwagon of downloading. The app’s main issue is its crashing problem. The app often glitches when trying to upload all its spontaneous photos at once causing you to be posting “late” as reported by The Los Angeles Times.
“I would make the app load better,” Meyer said.
While most of the talk about the app is all positive. The new statement that is being thrown around is BeReal won’t make you famous according to The Click Hub.
“I prefer BeReal because it is a goofy thing you do with your close friends, while an app like instagram is your best self or even the fake parts of you,” said Byrd.