Halftime action

Marching band and color guard work to create more school spirit for everyone

Crimson Baker, Reporter

Friday nights, bright lights in your face, sounds of students yelling cheers in the bleachers, the cool metal underneath of you, the cool wind hitting your face, feeling the fall air. 

While some fans go to football games to watch the action of the players during the first, second, third and fourth quarters; others are there to see the excitement of halftime. 

“Our marching band is really fun, they play stuff people know sometimes and that’s my favorite part, seeing people get excited, ” sophomore Alexia Moderau said.

Moderau attends football games as much as they can. They say that they enjoy the atmosphere of them and being with their friends and seeing the school come together. They love watching the band at half time and hearing them play the fight song in the stands.  

The marching band practices from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays: they get to the school at 5 p.m. on football days, and the band spends even more hours on their own practicing and playing their instruments. That’s five hours per week, plus the extra hours they put in their own time. This number varies from school to school. 

Sophomore Lee Blanchard plays sousaphone in the band, and is in his second season with marching band.

“I don’t think people realize we put in almost as much time as the football players,” Blanchard said.

-The band has dedicated this year to growing and developing their program. They aren’t competing this year, like they usually do, choosing instead to go for more well known pieces and getting a bigger band program.-

“My favorite part of games is definitely performing at halftime,”  Blanchard said, “because I play such a big instrument it attracts a lot of attention.” 

The marching band has 25 members this year, each with different abilities and interests. They have a different show with different kinds of songs every year for half time as well as playing the fight song during the game to pump up the crowd and team. 

“I really like watching and supporting [the band] and I really appreciate them,” Moderau said.

According to StoryMaps, 62% of winning football teams have bigger marching bands. 

Senior Sarah Chapman is a member of the color guard. This is her fourth season as a part of the guard. 

“We’re a part of school spirit too,” Chapman said.

Chapman enjoys preforming on rifle the most. She’s excited for what’s to come in her senior season, and the experiences that are left to enjoy. Along with from preforming in the stands and at half time, the marching band creates their own memories and experiences together.

Band is not only a bonding experience for it’s members and an extra curricular for students; its members are a dedicated part of the school. They show up and put in their best effort to encourage everyone.