Ib Individual oral commentary
Starting mid-December, IB students will begin the process of completing their IOC (individual oral commentary), a presentation in which they will orally annotate pieces of literature and poems they have been studying this past semester.
“[Students] get 20 minutes to annotate and prepare in a room by themselves, without any notes, cell phones, or teachers to help them,” senior IB English teacher Mrs. Debbie Smith said.
“They then come into the room with just the student and the teacher, where the student then commentates on the literature that they have received. I the teacher am just there to record and not give any help, or any insinuations of whether students are doing it right or wrong.”
During the oral commentary, IB students will have ten minutes to discuss their random selection of either Shakespeare’s Othello or Joan Didion’s Slouching Towards Bethlehem, along with an additional ten minutes to speak analytically on a piece of poetry by Robert Frost, whom the students are currently studying.
“In class we do a word of the day to get our literary repertoire up to date for this exposition that we are going to be given,” senior Ben Fouts said. “Our analysis of a daily poem in the past will certainly be beneficial, because we apply those words to the poems we are reading to get a quality analysis.”
As for if he believes the IOC to be beneficial to him as a student, Fouts said, “I think it will definitely help me to speak more coherently about something, especially given such a short time to prepare.”
In December, IB students will be practice for their Individual Oral Commentary through Socratic seminars and mock presentations, preparing themselves for the actual IOC which will take place December 11-12. – Kaelin Dodge
Choir Director Mrs. Linda DeRungs wants to invite students to join the course. Handbells has been offered at NAHS for two years and is still in the beginning phases, but Mrs. DeRungs says it has a fun educational environment that allows students to become more musically inclined in an easier format.
She says if you can count to four, you can play handbells! According to DeRungs, handbells are the easiest out of band, orchestra and choir to attain a high level of music inclination. – Raechel Lites
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