The stresses of being a teenager with social media


Chandler Price, Reporter

Self esteem has dramatically dropped among teens since social media has been introduced. Over 34% of teens have reported experiencing cyberbullying, according to The Megan Meier Foundation. Teens are now to easily make embarrassing post of each other and get away with it, according to The Megan Meier Foundation.

“Teens are now able to bully beyond physical contact with social media,” junior Mariah Waldron said.

The stresses of having a social media does not only involve the risk of being cyberbullied, but also getting a like on your post. Seeing a  picture of an event that you weren’t invited to affects how a teenager feels, according to a Harvard study.

“The expectations of teenagers are now higher since you can post everything on social media, the majority of postings are of accomplishments,” health teacher Mrs. Kim Scott said.

Teens spend an average of six hours a day browsing through the internet, which also includes social media , according to the Washington Post.

“Phones are now a contributing factor of stress for teen life, that’s why teens feel so stressed out,” senior Mackenzie Seymour said.

“Social media helps expose teens to violence,” sophomore Jacobi Brown said.

There has been a link in aggressive teen behavior of those who see violence on social media often, according to American Academy of Pediatrics. The Logan Paul suicide forest video for instance, sparked a lot of outrage from viewers and other audiences since he viewed a man who had just committed suicide. That’s a form of violence that can alter a teens’ behavior.

Many colleges have begun checking social media profiles to see what type of person they may be letting in, according to CNN. Colleges also look for inappropriate behavior through social media , and if they aren’t satisfied they can choose not to accept you. But colleges also like to see posts of applicants with friends and family and other positive things.

Social media has its backlashes of cyberbullying and bad influences, but over 68% of teens  report feeling support from social media, according to Wange Technologies. Teens are able to gain life skills and social skills being on social media.

“Kids are more open about life, and there is a sense of unity among teens when being on social media,” Seymour said.