Changes for the 21-22 school year

Everyone being back every day is just the beginning of the differences


Abby Moutardier, Editor-in-Chief

The first bell still rings at 7:35, and the last at 2:26, but the school day is not completely the same as it was last year. 


W.I.N.N, or What I Need Now, evolved from last year’s Advisory, which was added during fourth period to allow time for a fourth lunch, aiding with social distancing efforts. 

“Everyone has [W.I.N.N] at the same time because that allows all of the teachers to be available at the same time to help,” principal Michelle Ginkins said. “Before, if you needed help from your math teacher, they may not have had the same Advisory as you so you couldn’t go talk to them. It’s not a study hall or work on your own time, it’s targeted to ‘we know what kids need extra help in’ or ‘what about those kids who don’t need extra help with something right now’ can we offer more for them?”

Every Friday and Monday, students will fill out a Google Form on where they plan to gor each day of the following week. Students can select the same location or choose differently for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. These options range from quiz makeups to an extra review session to volleyball sessions. 

Freshman Victoria Bohne opted to play volleyball during the first W.I.N.N. session on August 19. 

“We picked out teams and got names, like states, and played against each other,” Bohne said. “Some of us didn’t have enough teammates so we had to sub in with other teams. I play volleyball out of school in leagues so I figured I could get some extra practice in school.”  

Additionally, this year marks the return of clubs. Clubs will meet once a month for about 30 minutes, according to Ginkins. Senior Issac Minton previously participated in Harry Potter Club and Publications Club, and says he is very excited for them to return. 

“I did [miss clubs last year],” Minton said. “I thought it was kind of sad that we couldn’t have them last year, but obviously we couldn’t get together.” 

Senior Kennedy Lee said she missed Golf Club as it gave her an excuse to see her teammates out of the season. 

Senior Chromebooks

Going into the 2021 school year, all students now utilize Chromebooks, including the seniors who have had iPads for the last three years. 

“I like the iPads better,” senior Tamera Daily said. “They’re quicker, they’re a lot faster than the Chromebooks are.” 

“The iPads were getting old,” Ginkins said. “If we were going to get more devices, it’s much more efficient to get help if the tech team is only working with one type of device. They’ll be able to fix them quicker.” 

No More Virtual

Another difference between 2021 and 2020 is the lack of a virtual and hybrid option directly through NAHS. A virtual option still exists through the NAFC Virtual Academy, however students are unable to participate in sports or extracurricular activities affiliated with a traditional school district. 

In the case of a positive Covid-19 case or quarantine, students are told to check Google Classroom and possibly watch a lesson video posted by the teacher. 

If needed, Dr. Ginkins says she hopes the school would go hybrid before going all virtual. 

“Speaking on behalf of teachers, I think it would be ‘hey we’re doing what we did last year’,” Ginkins said. “Before last year, it was like ‘what does this even mean’ ‘how do we take attendance’, ‘who reaches out to parents if a kid’s not logging in’. We already did it so I think we could do it quickly even if I hope we don’t have to.”  

New Staff

Going into the 2021-2022 school year, NAHS welcomed around 20 new staff members. 

“[The number of new staff members] is higher, I do think Covid opened up some opportunities [for some of last year’s teachers] that weren’t always there,” Ginkins said. “I think sometimes a bigger group is easier for them than a smaller group. There’s a better chance that somebody near to you is new to better increase your comfort level. It also makes everyone else in the building more aware that there’s new people so you do a better job with checking on them.”