Bi-annual blood drive takes on new challenge


Haley Shock, Editor-in-Chief

The time has come for NA to hold its second Blood Drive of the year. This isn’t like every other Blood Drive though, the stakes are higher now.

NA and Floyd Central High School are going head-to-head to see which school can get the most units of blood donated. The prize? The Life Saver trophy and, of course, bragging rights over the other school. 

“So New Albany over the last six drives typically averages 80 sign-ups and then 52 of those sign-ups are able to actually give the day of,” post-secondary counselor and drive coordinator Paul Eddie Bobbitt said. “That’s why it’s so important to get as many people to sign up so that if we do only have

The Life Saver Challenge trophy sits in Mr.Bobbitt’s office.

a portion that can actually give, then that number is higher than obviously if there weren’t as many signups.”

Floyd Central averages 120 to 130 sign-ups and collects around 80 good units of blood every drive. That number will likely go up with the competition coming into play. Bobbitt is taking extreme measures to gain as many sign-ups as possible.

“I send out emails and make announcements and this year we’ve actually got a group of students who are part of the national honors society who are helping recruit blood donors,” Bobbitt said. “We have about ten seniors who are helping advertise and get the word out so that we can get as many people to donate as possible.”

Competition isn’t the only motivation for the drive, Bobbitt also wants to help as many people as possible.

“First and foremost we are helping people,” Bobbitt said. “It sounds corny but we are saving lives. That is what this is really about, that’s the most important thing. I know children who have benefited from blood transfusions so in some ways this is personal because I know those individuals. But the most important thing is someone is helping someone else who could use it.”

There are many other benefits The Red Cross is offering as well.

“The second benefit is that the American Red Cross has an agreement with NAHS that the more units of blood we get donated they turn around and add more scholarship dollars to our graduating

senior class at class night,” Bobbitt said. “So I obviously want us to maximize that opportunity and help as many people but also get more money for our seniors.”

The Red Cross isn’t only offering benefits to the school, but also to the students donating. All students who donate will receive a ten dollar Amazon gift card as well as some snacks offered after your donation to recover.

“This year’s Red Cross goal was 85 donors and there’s a hospital promise of 50 units so the hospital is counting on NAHS to at least come up with 50 units and any more is great,” Bobbitt said. “The shelf life is 42 days that blood can be used and one unit of blood can help three people.”

Senior Shyann Cooper was excited to donate this year after being unable to donate last year due to low iron levels.

“Donating blood allows you to express kindness and consideration for those in need, so don’t let your fears stop you from being generous,” Cooper said.

Many students have expressed fear of donating, but Cooper doesn’t share those feelings.

“I know for a fact that I am able to generate more blood after I donate, so the biggest benefit is feeling good about yourself because you know you were able to help,” Cooper said.

The drive was on Monday February 9 and was a record-breaking day. There were 117 registered donors, 82 of which were first time donators and they collected 104 good units overall.