Share the game, grow the game

Boys volleyball teams kick off third season

Shanda Bailey, Reporter & Staff Photographer

Boys volleyball is one of the fastest growing sports all throughout North America, according to Pakmen Volleyball. The Bulldogs decided to jump on the bandwagon three years ago and the athletes love it. 

Senior Kurt Geron has been playing volleyball for two years and says he really enjoys being able to spend quality time with his friends through volleyball. Geron also plays soccer in the fall. 

“It’s given me an opportunity to play a sport with friends that I haven’t gotten to do that with,” Geron said. “My best friend, I’ve never been able to play a sport with him because he’s always played different sports, but this is something we share in common. It’s really fun to do that.”

Volleyball is also a big part of NAHS girls volleyball Assistant Coach and club volleyball coach Jennifer Barnes’ life. Barnes has played since she was in fourth grade and played in college at Western Kentucky University. 

“It’s definitely enjoyable, now that I’ve gotten into the coaching aspect for over 20 years, just being able to share the game and grow the game,” Barmes said. “It’s been a big part of my life. It’s fun, even if you lose, it’s really competitive.” 

Geron says he takes club sports more seriously despite it being one of his more fun sports. 

“There’s more times, because I play soccer and it’s very low scoring, you don’t get that many chances of having that euphoric feeling of scoring where in volleyball it’s back and forth,” Geron said. 

For Junior Ryan Henry volleyball has also been a big part of his life. Ryan has been playing for seven years and his fascination started with his sister who plays college volleyball.

“Whenever you’re winning or doing good, and the team has a lot of energy it’s just a lot of fun,” Ryan said. “Especially here at New Albany, you’re there to have fun, it’s just a good way to have fun and exercise a little bit.”

For his first year playing volleyball, senior Davis Krebs says he has to narrow in and focus in order to be a better player. Krebs has enjoyed his first year playing and is considering playing club volleyball at Indiana University. 

“You have to be very mentally tough because plays are very fast and there’s not a lot of time in between plays,” Krebs said. “I think it’s forced me to be able to take criticism well, because I haven’t played. I have to be told what to do a lot of the time. I think that’s made me more easily approachable.”

At first he says he didn’t take it very seriously, but after making the team with his friends he has come to love the sport. Two years ago, junior Colin Kruer and his friends decided to take on the challenge and try out for volleyball. To their surprise, they made the team. Kruer also is a standout for the Bulldogs.

“Me and my friends just kept playing because it was fun,” Kruer said. “Volleyball is like a game whereas swimming is more competitive, there’s nothing really else to do except to just swim.”

Most of the boys who have joined learned a lot more about how the game works. 

“They grow so much the very first year because they learn so much,” Barnes said. “They’re already athletic for other sports typically but then you show them what volleyball is.”