Drake is a certified hit maker when it comes to making new music each year. Earlier this year he let out a statement claiming that his new album, For All The Dogs was dropping this year. As many Drake fans loved to hear this, they could not wait to hear the new music from their favorite rapper.
Drake initially set the album release date for late September but when the date came there was nothing to hear from the rapper. Fans felt let down and even were angry with Drake. But he later made a statement saying a new release date for October 8. Fans all around the world loved to hear this news and could not be happier as they have waited the whole year for this music. Following Travis Scott’s Utopia album many were saying that it could not top it and it would not be album of the year. Drake heard all of the hate coming around the world and delivered as he always does.
For All The Dogs was supposed to symbolize the “old Drake” and how he used to rap. But as you listen to the album you realize that he still includes some of his more modern style rapping with slower beats and higher toned songs. With those songs though, is a plethora of great rap songs, where Drake takes his deepest lyrics and raps about old relationships in a sense that he does not care anymore, which relates to the album title.
The songs 8am in Charlotte, Virginia Beach, First Person Shooter, and Drew a Picasso are all at the top of my rankings without a doubt. They all feature Drake and his linguistic ability to rap about anything and the ability to sing. J Cole also features on First Person Shooter with a great verse that some say is better than Drake’s verse in the song. Every song has its own time and place to be listened to and will always fulfill each mood you are in.
The album also is dedicated to his son, Adonis. He is only 6 years old and was featured on one of the songs. Many people criticized this decision and I will say I do not see the reasoning behind putting Adonis in a song. Adonis also made the cover art for the album which does not look good because it is a 6 year old’s drawing. Drake takes pride in his son now after being away from him in his early years, which everyone found out about and bashed him for it.
Overall, I would give this album around a 7/10. This rating comes from the songs and many other aspects of the album. Drake has had many better albums in the past, which have reached many billboard number 1’s. Maybe the album will grow on the population of Drake fans, just like his other album Certified Lover Boy.