Valentine’s day has been a celebrated day of love for centuries. Although centered around Saint Valentine, the holiday’s roots are actually believed to be pagan.
In the middle ages, it was commonly believed that February 14th was the start of the lovebirds (yes, they’re actual birds) mating season, according to History. This contributed to the belief that this day was for romance.
But since its origin and the Middle Ages, Valentine’s Day has grown and changed. Every year, people rush to stores to buy flowers, cards, and candy.
It’s a wonderful day to celebrate the love around you, but that love doesn’t have to be romantic.
Appreciating the platonic relationships in your life is just as important as appreciating the romantic ones. Valentine’s day is a perfect day to appreciate the people in your life for simply being there. Pets, best friends, teachers, parents, and siblings deserve appreciation just as much as significant others.
25% of owners give their pets Valentine’s Day gifts, according to USA Today.
The emphasis put on romantic relationships around this holiday is a valid one, but it doesn’t have to be the only thing there.
Love isn’t always romantic, and it’s important to acknowledge that. It comes in all forms and they’re all worthy of celebrating.
In fact, people in the Victorian era actually used Valentine’s Day to push away potential suitors. They called them “Vinegar Valentine’s”. They would use cards with opposing messages, as well as sour items like lemons, to discourage suitors they weren’t interested in, according to Mental Floss.
There’s nothing wrong with using the holiday to celebrate, or even focus on, romantic relationships, but there’s also nothing wrong with having no interest in the romantic side of the holiday. There’s no wrong way to do it.
Days like Valentine’s can be difficult for some people, and it’s okay if you want to spend in a way others may not first think of. Some people have lost loved ones they choose to honor on that day, some are going through rough patches that make them choose to not acknowledge the holiday at all, and some just don’t enjoy or care about it very much.
Valentine’s day doesn’t have any requirements. Whatever love you have in your life, honor it the way you see best fit. People are allowed to spend the day however they want to, honoring whoever they want to. It should be about the individual person, not what the general public thinks it should be about, and that looks different for everyone.